Possibly the most spectacular blooming plant in Florida is the Bougainvillea. They bloom off and on throughout the year, but their biggest show is in the middle of winter. If you own a Bougainvillea you know that they grow incredibly fast during the warmer months and need frequent pruning to control their size. But one of the keys to a great bloom in the winter is to not prune them too late in the fall. They should be cut way back in September and then turned loose to do their thing. So now is the time to put on your heavy gloves and give them one final cut back for the year. You will probably need to shape them up a little from time to time, but any heavy pruning after October may seriously impact their big bloom.
A couple of other tips for getting the best bloom from your bougainvillea:
- Full Sun: The more sun your bougainvillea gets, the more it will bloom. An Ideal location will provide full sun and shelter from cold winter winds.
- Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly through the spring and summer. Give it one last shot in September or October. Use a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and not too high in Nitrogen. A fertilizer formulated specifically for bougainvillea or blooming tropical plants is best.
- Water: NOT TOO MUCH WATER. Bougainvillea thrive on dry conditions. Water only when they look wilted.